Easily Transform Your Resume In Minutes!

Modern, ATS-Friendly, and Results Proven! Professionally Designed by an Award-Winning Professional Resume Writer with 25+ Years of Experience

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Here's How Our Templates Are Different

Eye-catching, modern formats with timeless appeal professionally designed by an award-winning , nationally certified resume writer with 25+ years of experience

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Traditional Ventures Coordinating Documents
Traditional Ventures Coordinating Documents × 1
Structured Edge Career Templates
Structured Edge Career Templates × 1
Subtotal $24.00
Total $24.00

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Traditional Ventures Coordinating Documents
Structured Edge Career Templates

Order Summary

Traditional Ventures Coordinating Documents × 1
Structured Edge Career Templates × 1
Subtotal $24.00
Total $24.00

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  • Pay with your credit card via Stripe.

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Appearances Matter!

Appearances matter, even with the written word, and how a document looks can make an immediate impact on the decision to read it or toss it aside. I train and mentor many excellent resume writers who have mastered the art of crafting highly effective resume content, but who lack the basic MS Word skills to create eye-catching, ATS compatible and uniquely branded documents. Distinctive Templates are the perfect solution for easily transforming well-written content into works of art that capture attention, generate interest, and motivate the recipient to read every word.

- Norine Dagliano,
They All Loved the Unique, Contemporary Look

“Michelle, your templates are wonderful! You are so creative, and I especially love the templates for specialized career industries! I just used Global Impact for an executive with extensive global work and living experience, Driving Growth for a successful sales director, and Agricultural Edge for a seasoned landscape professional -- they all absolutely loved the unique, contemporary look of their new resumes. Thank you so much for providing this service within our industry. You are so talented, and I greatly appreciate our connection and the creativity your templates bring to my client engagements!”

- Monica O’Neill, PHR, JCTC, NCOPE, Best Image Career Services
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